Drug Abuse in the Global Village
Drug Abuse in Asia

Mode of Intake of drugs in South Asia

Heroin is reported usually smoked or taken by inhaling the fumes (DNC 1991), but is also injected (U.N. 1990). Opium and cannabis are reported smoked (U.N. 1990). Psychotropic substances are taken by mouth (U.N. 1987).

            Pholcodeine and codeine are reported occasionally taken in combination with other drugs in cough preparations, and barbiturates with anti-asthma preparations (U.N. 1989).

No information reported by 31st December 1993.

In Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland (bordering states to Myanmar), between 1 and 2 per cent of the general population inject drugs. Heroin is mostly injected but is also smoked. Opium is ingested, smoked or sniffed. Morphine is injected (U.N. 1992; ICMR 1993).

            Multiple drug abuse is reported. Heroin is taken in combination with ganja or opium. Cannabis is taken in combination with ganja and sulfa (U.N. 1992).

Cannabis is reported smoked (U.N. 1987).

In 1989, 37 per cent of a surveyed sample of heroin abusers reported injecting the drug. Heroin injecting, reported previously rare, is on the increase (Nepal 1993). In 1990, cannabis was reported smoked, cocaine smoked and sniffed, and psychotropic substances taken by mouth and injected (U.N. 1990). An increase in the intravenous route of administration is reported for 1993 (Nepal 1993).

Cannabis is smoked while heroin is inhaled (U.N. 1989).

Some abusers have used valium, diazepam, rohypnol, barbiturates and cannabis in combination with heroin (U.N. 1987).