Drug Abuse in the Global Village
Drug Abuse in the Americas

Primary Prevention in the Caribbean

There are various education and information programmes in the field of drug prevention. The Drug Action Service provides volunteer training and the National Drug Service offers such programmes as pre-teen workshops, information rallies on drugs and AIDS, medical workshops to increase awareness in matters related to drug education and prevention, the provision of educational material to assist schools with antichemical/drug prevention programmes and trainers workshops. Religious organizations make a significant contribution to prevention programmes (U.N. 1990).

            An interesting outreach prevention programme was initiated in 1989. Street workers in a minivan equipped with educational material operate as an outreach resource center to inform the community about the consequences of drugs abuse, AIDS and treatment services (Review Document 1991).


DCD in collaboration with other agencies conduct preventive education programmes in schools as well as seminars targeting the population at large. Some of the prevention activities include television commercials and pamphlets (U.N. 1990).


Service clubs sponsor educational programmes. In Bonaire, the local television station runs special educational spots, and PAHO has sponsored a drug abuse workshop for people involved in prevention and rehabilitation services (U.N. 1990).

            The School Of Nursing is reported to offer some training for health professionals in the field of drug abuse. However, most training is acquired in the United States and in the Netherlands (PAHO 1990).